The Tale of Depereaux is an enchanting story based on the book by the same name. The movie takes place in the kingdom of Dor, a magical place with soup aplenty. One day an accident occurs and the King is left broken-hearted and the townspeople without their favorite soup. The world becomes grey and all sunlight disappears. This is where a small mouse with large ears comes in.
The story follows Despereaux, a brave mouse that has been banished to a dungeon for speaking to a human. Despereaux is born into the Mouse world in which bravery is discouraged. Other unforgettable characters include Roscuro, a kind rat that loves soup, Pea, a Princess that has become a prisoner to her father's sadness, and Mig, a servant who wishes more than anything to be a Princess. Despereaux befriends Pea, learning to read and love stories about knights and dragons. Roscuro rescues Despereaux from his inprisonment but, when Pea dismisses the friendship of Roscuro, she is kidnapped. Despereaux finds he is the only one that can save Pea.
The Tale of Despereaux is a wonderful story of bravery and redemption, as well as a simple and lovable moral tale of forgiveness. The movie is great for small children, teaching them values every parent can appreciate. Adults as well can enjoy the movie, which has a fun story and great artwork. The movie seamlessly bounds the three worlds of mice, rats and humans, creating a story that is hard to forget. The film is beautifully done and the music is wonderful, adding to the movie in a perfect way. The violence isn't extreme, making it a good movie for young children.
There are many great actors in this movie as well. Sigourney Weaver, Matthew Broderick, Dustin Hoffman and Emma Watson just to name a few.
The Tale of Despereaux is full of values for children and is a great movie to get and watch. It is exciting and a classic story and children (and even adults) will be begging to watch it over and over again. - 23802
The story follows Despereaux, a brave mouse that has been banished to a dungeon for speaking to a human. Despereaux is born into the Mouse world in which bravery is discouraged. Other unforgettable characters include Roscuro, a kind rat that loves soup, Pea, a Princess that has become a prisoner to her father's sadness, and Mig, a servant who wishes more than anything to be a Princess. Despereaux befriends Pea, learning to read and love stories about knights and dragons. Roscuro rescues Despereaux from his inprisonment but, when Pea dismisses the friendship of Roscuro, she is kidnapped. Despereaux finds he is the only one that can save Pea.
The Tale of Despereaux is a wonderful story of bravery and redemption, as well as a simple and lovable moral tale of forgiveness. The movie is great for small children, teaching them values every parent can appreciate. Adults as well can enjoy the movie, which has a fun story and great artwork. The movie seamlessly bounds the three worlds of mice, rats and humans, creating a story that is hard to forget. The film is beautifully done and the music is wonderful, adding to the movie in a perfect way. The violence isn't extreme, making it a good movie for young children.
There are many great actors in this movie as well. Sigourney Weaver, Matthew Broderick, Dustin Hoffman and Emma Watson just to name a few.
The Tale of Despereaux is full of values for children and is a great movie to get and watch. It is exciting and a classic story and children (and even adults) will be begging to watch it over and over again. - 23802
About the Author:
The Tale of Desperaux DVD is a great gift for a friend and can be bought through CDWow. The Tale of Desperaux is a heartfelt film that teaches children values in a cute way,
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