Sunday, May 31, 2009

Women's Travel Tours - Who Enjoys These?

By Deanna Keahey

During the past few years, women's travel has surged to become a thriving part of the travel industry. Women are flocking in droves to tours designed specifically for the fairer sex. But who would want to do this, and why?

Singles often enjoy traveling in these groups. In the United States, there are actually more single women than married for the first time in history. But single women who want to travel aren't letting this stand in their way; they pursue their travel plans, husband or no. Many women simply feel safer and more at ease traveling with a group, and have more fun too. Besides, you'd look rather strange bursting into a robust chuckle all alone at a table for one!

Single women. If you've ever been a single woman at an event with mostly couples, then you know how alienating in can feel to be the odd woman out. On the other hand, perhaps you don't want to meet Larry from Sheboygan on a singles cruise either. You're not looking for your soul mate; you just want to enjoy a fun vacation!

Married women. Many couples just aren't into the same vacation ideas. Maybe you want to go to Italy, and he...well, he wants a date with his fishing rod. That's alright; you can sprint off to admire Michelangelo's David, while he spends quality time with a halibut.

Divorced women. If you don't have a husband to join you on your travels, this is no reason to stay home! In fact, the opposite is true. Many times, women find that during their married years they've largely gone along with what their husband wanted. Now that they're single, they finally feel free to do thing they've been looking forward to. Here I come, Greek Islands!

Widows. No matter how happy or sad your marriage may have been, you need to move on and make a life of your own. Getting out into the world and enjoying the sights with a group of women is a wonderful way to accomplish this. Sure, you could travel with your niece, but isn't it strange how relatives often want you to pay for their trip too?

Girlfriend getaways are also popular. You can gather up some good friends to take the ladies' night concept to the extreme. By vacationing with a group of women friends, you can truly relax, let your hair down, and be yourself. This is a great opportunity for talking about stuff that really matters, or just sharing laughter and fun.

Old friends. Do you meet up every summer with your college roommates? Do your sisters live far away, but every once and a while you enjoy some time together? These types of getaways are a great way to spend time with your friends who don't live close to you.

Moms and daughters. If you want to understand your mom in a whole new way, try going on a vacation together. You might find it's quite different than a family vacation where she's catering to everyone else's needs. My mom went with me to Costa Rica, and I had a ton of fun seeing her adventurous side shine through.

The girls. So what if you live in the same town? There's no reason you can't get away for a while. Leave the kids home for a few days while you take a spa weekend with the girls! It's a great way to feel renewed, and not only because of the relaxing massage!

In short, a women's trip is an entirely different atmosphere. You can enjoy girlfriend conversations, without an ambiance of competition.

Our kayaking guide told us that women's groups always do well, but couples? Well, not so much. While they're supposed to be vacationing, enjoying the kayaking, they're often arguing instead. Who needs that? Perhaps there's a women's tour in your future! - 23802

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