Saturday, April 4, 2009

Are Beagles Difficult to Train? Not If You Do These Six Things.

By Bob Moore

Anyone who owns a beagle knows it can be extremely headstrong. But that doesn't always have to be the case. They are an extremely loving breed. Good training is the key to a loyal, well-behaved dog, especially one so motivated by smell. Here are six things to consider when training any dog in general, but a beagle in particular:

1. It's never too early to start. Begin training your beagle as soon as possible. Starting with something as easy as a feeding schedule will help to get your dog used to a routine. If he or she is used to a routine from an early age, and if you reward his or her good behavior often, the chances are severely reduced that bad habits will develop.

2. Learning simple commands early is good. "Stay," "sit," and "come" might seem like simple commands, but the earlier they respond to these, the easier it is to train them later. Remember, a beagle is a pack dog. It wants to be the leader. The sooner you let him know you're the pack leader, the more readily he will respond to your commands, rather than the other way around.

3. Keep the training sessions short. Even 5 to 10 minutes a couple times a day can work wonders. Anyone who's ever owned a beagle knows they're scent-motivated and can lose focus easily. Keep the sessions short but entertaining.

4. Don't abuse your dog. We all get frustrated occasionally. It's human nature. But to take it out on the dog will only have the reverse effect. Physical punishment can make him more aggressive and cause him to be more fearful of you. It stands to reason that he won't do what you want him to do if he's afraid.

5. Reward good behavior. Any dog likes a treat, and they like to know they're getting a reward for pleasing you. Being a hound, a beagle is food-motivated so use that to your advantage. However, make sure the dog doesn't see the treat before you issue a command, or after a while he will only obey if he's able to see the treat, and that's not what you want.

6. Beagle-appropriate training methods work best. Use a beagle's natural tendencies to your advantage. These dogs are bred to hunt and track, obviously having an incredible sense of smell. If you can incorporate that into your training, you'll experience a higher success rate. Anything involving running, retrieving, or discovering buried objects will be much more fun for him.

A trained beagle is a good beagle, just as any breed of dog that is well-trained is a good dog. Yes, they can be a bit difficult at times. I know from experience. But if you're diligent and stick with these 6 basic guidelines, you'll have an obedient beagle that will bring you years of love, loyalty, and happiness. - 23802

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