Friday, April 10, 2009

Pet friendly homes

By Cheryl L. True

When it's time to remodel or make home improvements, some people go to extremes to provide a pampered environment for their pets. From building in-the-wall cat tunnels to designing outdoor dog runs, home owners with pets drop big bucks on enhancements that they hope their pets will enjoy.

The Humane Society said almost four out of every 10 households in the United States own at least one dog and about the same number own cats. The Society says there are 73 million dogs and 90 million cats living in American homes.

Pets fill a need in the lives of many people. The bond between humans and animals runs deep for many pet owners. People who place a high premium on pet companionship include the following:

Young, single people who move away from family and friends for employment reasons.

Divorced individuals. The upheaval of divorce and desire for comfort lead many new singles to seek solace in the relationship they have established with their pets.

Empty nesters. Couples whose children have grown and moved out on their own.

Childless couples. Some couples who have decided against having children treat pets as a stand-in for kids.

Families with children. Pets are often an extension of the family unit and included in family vacations.

Here are practical and visually appealing design ideas you can use when remodeling with your pet in mind:

Indoor pet retreats - these rooms are generally located by an outside back door with a lockable exterior access door designed for your pet to go inside and out. These pet retreats sport automatic feeders and drinking fountains, and some feature a doggy shower.

Disguised litter boxes - apart from offering privacy, many of these designs resemble furniture. Some cat box designs are situated in a separate room such as the garage with access provided by a secret cat door hidden inside a cabinet.

Heated floors - pets appreciate warm floors as much as humans. Just ask cats who curl up to radiators.

Platform beds - much like one would design a window seat, these beds are attached to the wall and are much less expensive to build than buying a Gucci doggy bed.

Cat ramps and cat trees - cat ramps are stairs that diagonally run up a wall to meet a shelf which runs below and along the perimeter of the ceiling. Floor-to-ceiling cat trees are constructed like columns throughout the home and wrapped in carpet or rope.

Doggy overlooks - this design lets your dog stick his head through a square opening on the second floor, so your dog can keep tabs on his owners below.

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