Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Hemorrhoid Treatment That Works

By Jayne Thompson

Veins in the anal region become swollen when they go through friction; their inflammation in this manner is usually what is known as hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoid is a common enough condition and is suffered in silence by many people due to lack of understanding or embarrassment. However it is very simple to heal hemorrhoids with the right hemorrhoid treatment.

The primary causes behind hemorrhoids are constipation, regular and uncontrolled eating of hot, spicy and junk food and caffeine, diarrhea, and also due to pregnancy and straining.

The various symptoms of hemorrhoids include inflammation of the region around the anus, swelling of veins, itching in nearby areas, a burning sensation and general irritation. All this, if left untreated, may lead to blood-stool, mucus secretion or worse, even an extrusion of the external hemorrhoids.

External hemorrhoid is a condition where the swollen vein pushes out of the anus. This causes more friction on the tissue which makes the condition worse. Ignoring the condition, hoping for it to disappear on its own will not work. In fact it will make things worse. The discomfort can be overbearing at times.

Sometimes external hemorrhoids near the anus get clotted frequently and cause something called the thrombosed hemorrhoids.

The inflammation is often asked to be treated by applying topical creams to the area. The ointments sooth the irritation and the burning sensation around the affected area. There are also various natural substances that may be ingested or applied topically by patients to get some relief from the symptoms.

While treatment for hemorrhoids is going on, patients should avoid spicy food and high levels of caffeine. You should increase your fiber intake to help with smooth bowel movement. The affected area should never be rubbed or scratched because that can be negative towards the condition.

For those patients who cannot find relief at all with normal prescriptions or those who have extreme conditions, laser treatment or rubber band ligation may be an option. An alternative to painful surgery is to use a proven natural hemorrhoid treatment that offers instant pain relief and heals the hemorrhoids. - 23802

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