Saturday, May 2, 2009

What Not to Do on Your First Date - For Men

By Tamra Levi

Carla is a gorgeous, socially well rounded woman. She is 44 years old and has worked hard developing her career. She has an 18 year old son at home and a 24 year old daughter who is finishing university. She is one of our in-house experts at 'dating in your prime dot com'. She has attended various get together's socially to meet other singles in hopes of connecting with that special man. She doesn't rush into meeting she is very careful about taking her time and getting to know the other person before taking the plunge and meeting.

Where is all this leading you may wonder. Well, we at 'dating in your prime dot com' believe in using your comments to give us ideas for articles. It was actually Roxie who was reading e-mails that suggested that we give the guys in our readership some well worded tips on what you shouldn't do on a first date.

DON'T COMPAREEx's have no place in your conversation. She does not want to hear about what she did or didn't do. The reason for you meeting is that you may find a new relationship, not re-live an old one.

LET HER TALKWhy not let her tell you what she is feeling and what her opinions are. We are not living in the 50's anymore and what she thinks and feels are very important to her. You may find some very refreshing conversation sparked by this.

JUST ASK ONCEYou may think that you are being sneaky asking the same question may different ways. But women know when this is happening and will, in fact, become irritated with it. If you ask her something that she doesn't feel comfortable answering, let it go, this is not the time for it to be answered. The fact of the matter is that a woman will answer any question when she feel that the time is right. Besides, why ruin what could be a wonderful time with sending a divider between the two of you.

Telling her about people she does not know. As part of a conversation this is fine, but when you talk about everyone you know and expect her to participate, she will shut down.

When you first meet, the only money that really matters is the money which you will use to settle the bill for the 'date'. While money is important in life, remember that the Beatles said it best, 'Can't Buy You Love'. No woman like to think that she cannot pull her own so to speak. There are a great many relationships that we know of in which the lady is the bigger bread winner and those relationships are truly very very happy.

These are Carlas latest and greatest. Promise the next article will deal with an issue or suggestion from one or more of our readers. This article is just a friendly reminder to the guys out there who get nervous and then, well tend to make it worse. If you dont do these five things then you are well on your way to having a successful dating experience. - 23802

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