Friday, May 1, 2009

Adult Dyslexia Tests - What You Should Know

By Kedric Derenthal

Do you know that one in every ten person might be suffering from dyslexia and they might not even be aware of their condition? Only after the case has started to get worse that discovery might occur. Recent developments in medical studies gave birth to more precise diagnostic examinations like the use of dyslexia tests to identify symptoms and levels of dyslexia. Different types of these tests are used as barometers in identification and diagnosis of the condition depending on the manifestations present in a suffering individual.

It is not a hidden secret anymore that dyslexia is a very common condition that long before was not given due importance. It was only now that difficulties in reading and learning have finally earned its name - dyslexia. In medicine, dyslexia is simply defined as a neurological difference causing untrained learning difficult. Dyslexia tests are methods that are used to determine the presence and difficulty level in the goal to come up with approaches to minimize the damage that maybe brought up by this condition. Another objective of dyslexia test is to find a strategy in how to deal with it.

You might come across a lot of dyslexia centers offering various types of dyslexia tests. However, each of these tests regardless of how centers name them only involves two principal levels of dyslexia tests. The Initial Screening Tests and the Full Dyslexia Test.

Initial Dyslexia Screening Test aims to identify the initial manifestations of learning difficulty present in an individual. This acts as the screening level if the individual needs further evaluation. This dyslexia test consists of short groups of 10-20 questions each. Questions included are those that can identify simple symptoms of dyslexia like "Do you have difficulty in writing phone numbers or other numbers when dictated over the phone?"

There are also computer games designed for the purpose of identifying if a person is into some kind of dyslexic condition. An individual is assessed based on his capacity to play the game. Simple dyslexia test is to observe the reading capability of a child based on his age and intelligence. A child that is normally intelligent but shows difficulty in reading is then subject for further dyslexia tests.

Full dyslexia tests aim to identify specific potential problems. Another objective is to identify the severity of the condition. It consists of visual image and sound translation and sound to written test translation. Unlike the initial dyslexia test that is given to a group, full dyslexia testing is done on a one-on-one basis. The diagnosing professional will assess the patient particularly paying attention to the response time of the subject. This is used to gauge the severity of dyslexia.

It is true that dyslexia is a very common condition nowadays. This is not because more and more are born everyday. It is because new ways are now present to identify the condition. Dyslexia tests are keys to distinguish its presence and to help a suffering person to deal with the symptoms in an easier approach. - 23802

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