Saturday, May 2, 2009

Get Rich in World of Warcaft Through Cooking

By Seth Symonds

When used correctly, the cooking profession can be a real gold mine in World of Warcraft. The reason is simple, every class can make use of high quality foods. Most players are far too lazy however, to fully take advantage of the cooking profession.

So many World of Warcraft players write the cooking profession of as useless and boring. If you are after gold however, you can use cooking to make a heap of it. One way you can do this is by selling top quality "buffing" foods.

If you want to use cooking to make good money in WoW, don't bother cooking low end foods. You need to focus on the high end foods. Another way you can use cooking to make money in WoW is by doing a daily cooking quest (these became possible with the release of the 2.3 patch). In addition to earning gold (you usually earn at least 7g per quest) you can also win new recipes by completing cooking quests.

As I said above, you want to stick to making buffing foods in order to reap the biggest monetary rewards. If you're worried that Mages can create food and drink spells to compete with your, don't be. You have a massive advantage over them as your food can give a temporary bonus to player stats.

The high end recipes the cooking profession lets you create can add a bonus to Damage, Healing, Spells, Stamina and more. If you're a Hunter you'll also be able to use these foods to give your pets a bonus.

If you want to take your Cooking profession to an even more lucrative level, think about combining it with the Fishing profession. These two professions go hand in hand and will give you even more options when it comes to making money.

Because Cooking is a secondary skill you won't need to worry about it interfering with your trade skills. There's no real negative to choosing Cooking as one of your secondary skills.

If you are dedicated and use you're imagination, you'll find there's no limit to the number of ways you can make gold in World of Warcraft. - 23802

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