One of the most important pursuits a person can undertake is education. When you have pursued an expanded education, you will find that doors begin to open and you can have a life that is full of possibilities. Education not only teaches you facts and dates but also opens your horizons by honing you talent and skills. It is not enough however to simply go and take classes at the local college, your approach to the entire field of educations is vitally important. Therefore, you need to understand the difference between simply being a student and being learned.
Frankly, there is a very large difference between the processes of a learner versus that of a student. The product of the education is the student's main focus. That simply means the education becomes the end result. A learner though is concerned with the unrestricted, organic process that will shape them into a unique individual.
To illustrate this, let's look at a common example of how the average student approaches his/her learning. The student signs up for a course. Takes notes in class. Studies for a test and then passes it. The student receives a grade and, in time, the student will receive a diploma. In short, the student is only concerned with a mechanical process. He/she is simple repeating memorized information in a classroom environment. That will only take a student so far.
Now the learner takes a different approach, they tend to absorb the information. A class is not just a place to earn a grade it is an exploration of their likes and dislikes, their strengths and weaknesses. Their outlook on life in general as well as their potential profession will be more thoroughly developed through their experiences. The learning experience then is a major tool in them becoming a well-rounded individual.
As you can see, there are many more benefits to being a learner as opposed to being a student. However, society in general places so much emphasis on the student aspect of the process, perhaps because of all the awards and certificates that come with it. Diplomas and degrees are valuable but this is a limited value when you consider their effect on the individual's development.
Also, a student seems to cease to exist once he/she leaves an establishment of learning. Once the diploma or degree has been achieved, then there is no need to be a student. Again, a student is a role one plays more akin to a task than to personal development.
A learner is never restricted to a particular environment. A learner seeks to expand his/her horizons in any environment. To a learner, an education does not have an end date that has been instituted by a particular environment. That is why it is always better to strike to be a learner as opposed to someone who is always a perpetual student.
Look there is nothing inherently wrong with students honestly most people will follow the traditional student model. The difference will be seen if you can successfully incorporate the student process with the methods and techniques of a learner, that way you get the best of both worlds and you will reap many rewards. - 23802
Frankly, there is a very large difference between the processes of a learner versus that of a student. The product of the education is the student's main focus. That simply means the education becomes the end result. A learner though is concerned with the unrestricted, organic process that will shape them into a unique individual.
To illustrate this, let's look at a common example of how the average student approaches his/her learning. The student signs up for a course. Takes notes in class. Studies for a test and then passes it. The student receives a grade and, in time, the student will receive a diploma. In short, the student is only concerned with a mechanical process. He/she is simple repeating memorized information in a classroom environment. That will only take a student so far.
Now the learner takes a different approach, they tend to absorb the information. A class is not just a place to earn a grade it is an exploration of their likes and dislikes, their strengths and weaknesses. Their outlook on life in general as well as their potential profession will be more thoroughly developed through their experiences. The learning experience then is a major tool in them becoming a well-rounded individual.
As you can see, there are many more benefits to being a learner as opposed to being a student. However, society in general places so much emphasis on the student aspect of the process, perhaps because of all the awards and certificates that come with it. Diplomas and degrees are valuable but this is a limited value when you consider their effect on the individual's development.
Also, a student seems to cease to exist once he/she leaves an establishment of learning. Once the diploma or degree has been achieved, then there is no need to be a student. Again, a student is a role one plays more akin to a task than to personal development.
A learner is never restricted to a particular environment. A learner seeks to expand his/her horizons in any environment. To a learner, an education does not have an end date that has been instituted by a particular environment. That is why it is always better to strike to be a learner as opposed to someone who is always a perpetual student.
Look there is nothing inherently wrong with students honestly most people will follow the traditional student model. The difference will be seen if you can successfully incorporate the student process with the methods and techniques of a learner, that way you get the best of both worlds and you will reap many rewards. - 23802
About the Author:
Dave Perry is a business mentor, coach and marketing expert. As a former burned out manufacturing executive, he has a burning desire to help others develop a balanced life. You can visit Dave's Blog at
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