Thursday, June 18, 2009

Landscape Hints for June Gardens

By Keith Markensen

Roses, Lilies, delphiniums and many other perennials are at the peak of the blossoming performance in the North, and the weather is wonderful. It is easy to be lazy and leisurely enjoy the garden and the out of doors. A provident planter has plenty of time for this; there are few things that demand immediate attention, time and effort. Only the weeds that prosper along with other plants are a problem, and a minor one too, because shallow cultivation will cut them down before they get big and deep rooted.

Cultivating is in order even though weeds may not be a problem because the soil becomes compacted by the frequent, often heavy rains that occur at this time of year. When the soil surface becomes compacted it is undesirable in many ways. Water cannot percolate freely through it and much of it is lost by run-off.

Soil air is excluded or greatly reduced especially when wet; harmful soil micro-organisms (algae, etc.) thrive; the helpful soil bacteria perish. All of these unfavorable conditions and factors can be corrected quickly by shallow cultivation. A small two or three tined hand cultivator is just the right tool for this kind of job. It should not be used when the soil is on the wet side, but rather when it is beginning to show signs of becoming dry at the surface. If the soil is too moist the cultivator will cause it to gum and ball.

The Best Rule:

Dont cultivate the day after a good rain, but a day or two later. Care should be used when working a cultivator close to plants. It is so easy to cut into roots and nick or cut off a stem or shoot.

Watch for Aphids

The weather during June in the north is also favorable to the enemies of plants, the bugs and the blights. Aphids (plant lice) multiply in astronomical numbers in an amazingly short time, so keep a close watch for indications of their presence. Control measures should be started early before they increase to an epidemic stage and cause permanent damage. Usually they start on the undersides of leaves. They also seem to congregate on the growing points of plants, the tips of shoots and buds. Here they do damage in a very short time, causing growth to become twisted, curled and permanently distorted.

One of the newest and most effective insecticides to kill aphids on houseplants is Malathion. In the liquid emulsion concentrate form it seems to be more effective and much less offensive so far as odor is concerned.

In the North, June is not too late for planting that did not get done earlier. June weather is usually favorable for the planting of potted or flat grown annuals. Along with them, geraniums and potted roses can be planted in sunny locations, tuberous begonias and fuchsias in shady places. In many sections of the North, window boxes and outdoor planters are not started until early June.

Many nurseries anticipate the needs of those who are late doing their planting and keep some plants started in containers (pots, flats, peat pots) so that they can make a good showing when planted late. - 23802

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