Saturday, June 27, 2009

What To Say When Flirting, Part 7

By Joseph Matthews

In the article before this one, I wrote about why humor was so important, especially the timing of it. Now I'll show you another factor that is just as important - how you leave her!

Say you've picked up a nice young girl, and things look to be going smoothly. But you have to go, and you definitely are interested in seeing her again.

So what should you do? Obviously, asking her out for another date would be the wise thing to do. But past simplifying things, it's a matter of HOW you do it that makes it effective.

Many guys fumble here. It's understandable in many cases, as most men aren't in tune with what is happening during a flirtation anyhow. If you are aware, it's rather easy to do, as you'll know if she's interested in you.

The most important thing to watch for are nonverbal cues. If the right ones are present, you should be able to continue with another day.

The best way to do this? Be direct. Here are two great ways of doing so.

-- "Might I have your phone number so we can meet again soon?" -- "Would you like to meet me for coffee sometimes this next week?"

Being indirect about it tends to create apprehension. I'm not a big fan of saying something like "I really enjoyed talking to you and would like to do so again." I believe in getting to the point of the matter.

If you've made a strong enough impression, you might be lucky enough for her to ask YOU for your number. That happening is really rare though - so definitely don't count on it! And sometimes when this happens, she is trying to actually get rid of you!

A sneaky trick that might be worth trying is to let her know that you like a woman who isn't constrained by societal rules. Be it a "free spirit", or a liberated woman, acknowledging that it is acceptable to be that way might just convince her to close you. But again, don't count on it.

Be as confident, and direct as possible. If you have done your flirting right you'll have nothing to fear and the likelihood of rejection is minimal.

This concludes this part of the series on flirting. In the next article, I'll discuss how to put it all together - the verbal and non verbal aspects of flirting, and how you should go about practicing them. - 23802

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