Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Maintaining A Healthy Immunity Against The Swine Flu

By Jim Sugihara

On May 20, 2009 The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) 'confirmed' almost 5,700 cases of the H1N1 Influenza, or 'Swine Flu,' in the US. Of the 5,700 cases, at least eight people have died. At this time the CDC can no longer keep up with the growing number of infected people and have chosen to make estimates based on statistical modeling.

The CDC's statistical models show that the flu has gotten bad enough to reach pandemic level. Studies show that H1N1 will eventually infect one out of every three people in the entire world. Fortunately for us, the number of deaths in the northern hemisphere is still very low. People have been able to fight the flu by simply staying outside. The Vitamin D that your body absorbs from the sun is a natural way to boost your immunity to disease. Unfortunately, as we approach the fall and winter the temperature will change and keep people from spending as much time outside. As we all know, cooler seasons are a traditional time for flu outbreaks. This is commonly a result of staying inside, where we are unable to get a healthy dose of Vitamin D.

As the infection rate approaches one in three, millions of us may become carriers of the virus. While the level of infection may not be fatal for all of us, we will still be mixing H1N1 with other flu strains, causing a constant mutation. The mutations can give the H1N1 an infinite number of different characteristics. As the virus becomes more diversified, we will have more difficulty in creating an effective and timely vaccine. If the virus becomes too mutated, it may become impossible to create a permanent vaccine. A great way to fight the flu is by maintaining a healthy immune system. Doing so will reduce our susceptibility to disease.

An effective method that can be used to boost your immune system would be to undergo regular Ionic Detoxing. By working to maintain healthy heavy metal and pH levels, Ionic Detoxification can neutralize harmful elements within the body. The presence of certain elements (i.e. free radicals) added to a pH imbalance within the body can lead to susceptibility to infections and disease. Positive and negative ions entering the body work to neutralize these elements, resulting in an improvement in the body's ability to fight disease. According to M. Amin, PhD, Naturopathic Doctor of Medicine, "Ionic Detox will strengthen the immune system to fight any invading germs, bacteria or viruses. I am a classic example. I do not take any medication including flu shots since 1989. Do I get the flu? Never! Sometimes I feel my body fighting the attacking viruses. My entire family follows the same lifestyle: Regular ionic detox, high quality supplements, eating properly, exercise, prayer and positive thinking."

The human gut is host to trillions of bacteria, the maintenance of which is essential to proper digestion and much more, including a strong immune system. A healthy gut is essential to detoxification and protection from viral and parasitic attack. This balance of good bugs can become compromised over time with the direct (medicines) or indirect (food additives) use of antibiotics, poor diet, drugs, stress or the aging process. A good probiotic supplement is essential in righting and maintaining the balance of good bugs, making for efficient and healthy digestive processes. One of the very best that we have found is Primal Defense ULTRA by Garden of Life, a broad-spectrum probiotic formula. Three tablets a day provides a 15 billion live cell count of 13 species of beneficial cultures.

In addition to healthy digestive function, it is important to maintain a healthy dose of fiber in your diet. While the recommended daily intake for adults is only 25-30 grams, many of us fall short of ingesting enough fiber. If you keep track of your fiber consumption and fall short of meeting the recommended daily value, consider taking a high quality, natural fiber supplement. Garden of Life's 'DetoxiFiber' is an organic supplement that provides 5 grams of soluble and insoluble fiber in a balanced ratio. It consists of 100% certified organically grown flax seed and pea hull fiber, alfalfa and barley grasses, and chia seed.

Along with carefully monitoring your digestive health and fiber intake, consider your body's pH balance. Studies have found that much of the American diet consists of foods that test low on the pH scale. These highly acidic foods come from high doses of fatty acids and sugar, which can inhibit the body's immune system and keep it from working its best. Our bodies contain more than 75 trillion cells. Imagine these cells are acidic elements which are swimming in an alkaline sea. A balance must be maintained for normal metabolic processing. If we reduce the concentration of alkaline in our body by subjecting ourselves to a highly acidic diet, the balance will be shifted. Improving or maintaining the right balance of alkaline to acid should be done with multiple methods, the most important of which is a balanced diet with a roughly 60/40 ratio of alkaline foods to acid, even higher if the body is too acidic.

Dehydration is a harmful condition which can open your body up to infections and disease. A lack of hydration creates an environment where toxins can thrive. In order to condition your body to fight off attacks from harmful toxins, it is important to stay properly hydrated. Along with helping the body eliminate toxins, proper hydration can help the body eliminate fatty acids and can help facilitate metabolic functions. Through the basic practice of hydration, we can alkalize our bodies by treating pure water with an alkaline supplement in order to boost the pH. Adding the product 'pH Booster' to drinking water is an excellent way to raise the pH level. As an added bonus, it also works to ionize with minerals as well as oxygenate the water. As your body becomes more balanced you should boost your mineral intake with a concentrated mineral supplement. 'ConcenTrace' Trace Mineral Drops is a great, natural vegan product which will help maintain a proper mineral balance within the body.

Acidic conditions within the body can cause heavy metals like mercury to stay in the system. This creates situations which can lead to stress in the body. In a normal reaction to the stress, the body will then create more acids in order to cope. It does not take long for a vicious cycle to develop where the acids and metals lead to the stress which creates them. Reducing toxins, increasing alkalinity and reducing acids in the system is a key step towards creating a healthy body.

Let us recap: Steps to a Healthy Body for the Best in Flu Protection

1 - Eat Right - Reduce acids (sugar and high fructose sweeteners major offender) and increase level of alkaline foods. Supplement with alkalized water. 2 - Get Enough Sleep - The body does its best healing at full rest. 3 - Digestion - Take care of the gut and the whole GI with probiotic foods and supplements. 4 - Exercise - Stimulates cleansing blood flow and stress-reducing hormones. 5 - Exposure to Sunshine - The best source of vitamin D, a natural anti-viral vitamin. 6 - Ionic Foot Detox - Also reduce acid levels, neutralize toxins making them easily excreted. - 23802

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