Monday, June 1, 2009

Some Honest Teeth Whitening Reviews

By Josh B. Goodemann

It might just be me, but tell me you haven't noticed that all of these teeth whiteners that you can use at home have become incredibly popular lately?

I saw this trend really take off about a year ago when lots of companies started popping up on the radar claiming that their at home teeth whiteners could achieve results that were just as good as any dentist, and do it at about 99% discount.

I know that over on my blog, lots of people are searching for honest teeth whitening reviews and looking for the best deals. I'm always happy to oblige.

As I always do, I spent a lot of time researching the products and finding out which ones were really working for people and which ones had no track record, and then compared those to the companies that were offering the absolute best deals on their teeth whitening systems to come up with a very short list -- there were only two -- of products that I would recommend.

Now, we are definitely going to talk about those in just a minute, but first if you can stick with me so that we can go over a couple really vital things that you should consider before you buy one of these, I think it will be a big help. Okay?

Now, it's important that you realize that any time you make an appointment with your dentist to have a teeth whitening session, he's going to charge you probably somewhere around $1000 when all is said and done.

Now that may not seem like a lot of money to some people, but I know that most of the readers of my blog would balk at having to fork over a grand or more just to have whiter teeth. So I put my thinking cap on and started doing some teeth whitening reviews so you all would have some much less expensive choices.

I think the biggest surprise I got during my research was this.....

A lot of these at-home whitening systems are actually the very same thing -- or at least pretty darn close to them -- that your dentist would use if you went to see him and asked to have this done.

Sure, your dentist may boast that he has a bunch of fancy doodads that he can use to enhance the basic whitening system. But you're going to pay so dearly for that enhancement, that it makes almost no sense to choose that route.

Hey, I'm not trying to pass myself off as a dentist. I've never been to dental school. All it is is common sense and you can follow it or not as you choose.

But does it make sense to go with the vastly more expensive option when you can get the same results for yourself at home for a tiny fraction of the cost?

And on top of that, if you can actually get that product for free, then it makes even more sense. At least that's the way I look at it.

In terms of which products are the best, I would suggest that you look for teeth whitening products that offer free trials (as I mentioned many times above), and that can also point to real world results that past customers have achieved.

Great, so now that we've gotten that behind us, we can finally get to the two -- yes, it's a very short list -- teeth whiteners that I think you should look into. These both satisfy the requirement of giving you a completely free trial so you can try out the product before you have to pay anything. - 23802

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