Saturday, July 11, 2009

Some Common Dog Health Problems

By Moses Wright

Some common dog health problems are well known. Dog health problems can be serious if not treated promptly by a veterinarian. The dog owner should be aware of signs and symptoms of common dog health problems.

Fleas are often seen as a nuisance instead of a dog health problem. However, fleas can cause skin irritation that can become severe and infected. Fleas can carry parasites as well.

Treatment for fleas is much easier if the infestation is treated early. The dog should be shampooed with a flea shampoo to get rid of the fleas. The dogs bedding and other areas of the home can be sprayed with a flea pesticide to prevent recurrent infestation. Monthly treatment drops may also be used.

Another parasite that causes dog health problems is the heartworm. A heartworm infestation can be deadly to dogs. There are medications to help prevent heartworms. Treatment for a current heartworm infestation is harsh and can be fatal, especially if the infestation is substantial.

Pawing at the ears or shaking the head can be signs of an ear infection. Ear infections in dogs can be caused by ear mites or bacteria. Dogs with earflaps are most susceptible to ear infections.

Vaccinations for dogs are used to prevent common dog diseases. Since many of these dog diseases can be fatal, the dog owner should make sure the dog is vaccinated according to the suggestions of the veterinarian.

Distemper, Parvo, kennel cough, and rabies are common dog diseases that can be prevented by dog vaccines. Since these are potentially serious dog diseases, vaccinating dogs is very important.

Bloat is a common dog health problem that cannot be prevented by vaccines. Large dog breeds are susceptible to bloat. If a dog eats too quickly and then exercises, the dogs stomach can become twisted or distended. Bloat can be fatal.

Some common dog health problems are problems with the dogs skeletal structure. Large dog breeds are often susceptible to hip dysplasia. Dachshunds may develop spinal problems.

Dental problems are a type of common dog health problem. Many dog owners ignore their dogs dental health. Dog owners should remember that tartar and plaque naturally buildup on their dogs teeth. Regular brushing and veterinary dental visits can help prevent serious dental problems. - 23802

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